Root, Bulb and Co.

A Hidden World of Wonders

01/04/2012 Special exhibitions
The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
In 2012, it was called seeing the radishes from below. What sounds like a joke became an exciting reality with the special exhibition "Root, Bulb & Co. - the Hidden World of Wonders" at that time.
Those who stroll through gardens, parks and forests and enjoy nature's lush greenery and blossoms are often unaware of the hidden forces that make this splendor possible in the first place. In an entertaining and multifaceted production, the phenomenon of roots, tubers and the like was literally explored. In fascinating pictures and surprising exhibits, the exhibition told of the amazing tricks and strategies that plants use to ensure their deep-rooted survival. Another exciting focus was the world of bulbs: From the everyday potato to the magical mandrake, a wide variety of cultures use their diverse possibilities and powers.

A Hidden World of Wonders

Roots and bulbs are marvels of nature: they perform their tasks with an almost inexhaustible imagination. Underground parts of plants anchor the plant in the soil, absorb nutrients and water, and store reserves. They build extraordinary communities with fungi and bacteria, and operate highly sophisticated, miniature biochemical labs for hormones, aromas, colorants, poisons and health remedies. All that—and they still manage to provide us with nutrition, enhance our beauty, and even increase our passion.

Substantial Reserves: The Root & Co.Parade

What plants store underground in roots, tubers and rhizomes are vital reserves for them. From these reserves, we humans procure an over-rich reservoir of foods, spices, and treats. The Incas were already cultivating numerous varieties of potato; today, the potato is one of the most important food crops. The lotus flower is not just beautiful to look at: its starchy rhizome is also a culinary delicacy.