Explore various aspects of the fascinating world of plants through our special exhibitions and annual themes. Unique perspectives, colorful diversity, and artistic presentations await you. This is how the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle present themselves each year in a new guise. Dive in – we look forward to your visit!
Special exhibitions and annual themes in the past
The myth of Ginkgo
The first special exhibition conceptualized by Trauttmansdorff focused the spotlight on Ginkgo biloba. This primordial tree, which has a long tradition in Asia, has also achieved prominence in South Tyrol in recent years: Merano’s first ginkgo tree, in fact, was planted 150 years ago.
All About Palms!
In 2008 the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle was entirely dedicated to the “highest and noblest among plant forms” (Alexander von Humboldt), and the special exhibition was thus aptly entitled All About Palms!
A Heavenly Scents, Ungodly Stench!
The special exhibition Heavenly Scents, Ungodly Stench! communicated strange and interesting facts about smell: Why is it that we can smell some people but not others? Do flowers emit odors in order to mimic and deceive? These and other questions were answered in a very special way for exhibition-goers during their journey through the mysterious world of smell.
Root, Bulb & Co. – A Hidden World of Wonders
Staged in an entertaining and complex way, this special exhibition literally “got to the bottom of” the phenomenon of roots and bulbs: using fascinating images and surprising exhibits, it shed light on the amazing tricks and strategies of plants.
The Birds and the Bees: A Botanical Perspective
From naughty and playful to mysterious, even mystic: The 2014 special exhibition clarified exactly how plants “do it” and what expectations we humans place on them.
Kissed by fragrances – a stroll among scents and spices”
The annual theme, “Kissed by fragrances – a stroll among scents and spices”, ran throughout the gardening season: A variety of stations in the Gardens were offering visitors an insight into the world of everyday and exotic plants, and guests at the gardens could also look forward to a zesty fringe programme of absorbing lectures and themed guided tours.
Killer plants – The green carnivores
The special exhibition, “Killer plants – The green carnivores”, offerd an overview of the beautiful yet terrifying world of these refined trappers. The exhibition showcased different types of traps and the great biodiversity of these bizarre survival artists, all enriched by living plants, interactive experience stations and guided tours.
In 2020 and 2021 biodiversity reigned supreme at the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. In keeping with the theme of “Diversity”, the Gardens showed how important biodiversity is for humanity, animals and plants.
Take time for yourself - The garden as an oasis of wellbeing
Did you know that besides presenting an epic visual spectacle, gardens are also a special power spot? Ever hugged a tree and felt recharged by its energy?
In the 2022 flowering season, the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle demonstrated what they have to offer when consciously interacting with them.
Invasive Neophyten
Neophyten („Neue Pflanzen“) sind gebietsfremde Pflanzen, die ursprünglich nicht in Europa heimisch waren. Sie kamen erst nach der Entdeckung Amerikas 1492 nach Europa.
Spiny, ribbed, hairy, water-storing, fat, thick-fleshed, spherical, flat, columnar: Every one of these words can be used to describe succulents.
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